It even makes me laugh out loud.

July 16, 2011 § Leave a comment

I have added trying to be a runner….hahaha It even makes me laugh out loud. I have got to do something to change the way my body has changed. I don’t know if it was because I quit smoking or because of a fall I had a few years ago but I have gained so much weight. I was going to be brave and put my weight and measurements out here but I think I will ponder on that one awhile. Early this week I started the c25k program and on day 3 of week one hours after my last little run for the week, at 12:30 am I thought it would just be best if someone would shoot me and put me out of my misery. But needless to say I lived through the night and I am feeling a little (really just a little) bit better. I hurt places….well I will just leave it at that. I also slacked on the eating well thing for the past few months and I need to get back on track with that. I hope to be better about all of the promises I made myself way back in Jan. Including, but not limited to this blog. Praying for strength and knowledge and to be able to be quite enough to hear God when he whispers.

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